Warns after run command hugo server -wv

How to fixed this WARNS?

ecouto.me git:(master) ✗ hugo server -wv
INFO 2017/07/03 02:00:03 Using config file:
INFO 2017/07/03 02:00:03 /home/erick/Projetos/ecouto.me/static/ is the only static directory available to sync from
INFO 2017/07/03 02:00:03 syncing static files to /
WARN 2017/07/03 02:00:03 No translation bundle found for default language “en”
WARN 2017/07/03 02:00:03 Translation func for language en not found, use default.
WARN 2017/07/03 02:00:03 i18n not initialized, check that you have language file (in i18n) that matches the site language or the default language.
Started building sites …
WARN 2017/07/03 02:00:03 Failed to read data from css/main.css/main.css: Data not supported for extension ‘css’
WARN 2017/07/03 02:00:03 Failed to read data from images/playlearn.jpg/playlearn.jpg: Data not supported for extension ‘jpg’
WARN 2017/07/03 02:00:03 Failed to read data from images/playlearn_1.jpg/playlearn_1.jpg: Data not supported for extension ‘jpg’
WARN 2017/07/03 02:00:03 Failed to read data from images/playlearn_2.jpg/playlearn_2.jpg: Data not supported for extension ‘jpg’
WARN 2017/07/03 02:00:03 Failed to read data from images/playlearn_3.jpg/playlearn_3.jpg: Data not supported for extension ‘jpg’
WARN 2017/07/03 02:00:03 Failed to read data from images/profile.jpg/profile.jpg: Data not supported for extension ‘jpg’
INFO 2017/07/03 02:00:03 found taxonomies: map[string]string{“category”:“categories”, “tag”:“tags”}
WARN 2017/07/03 02:00:03 [en] Unable to locate layout for “taxonomyTerm”: [taxonomy/category.terms.html.html taxonomy/category.terms.html _default/terms.html.html _default/terms.html indexes/indexes.html.html indexes/indexes.html theme/taxonomy/category.terms.html.html theme/taxonomy/category.terms.html theme/_default/terms.html.html theme/_default/terms.html theme/indexes/indexes.html.html theme/indexes/indexes.html]
WARN 2017/07/03 02:00:03 [en] Unable to locate layout for “taxonomyTerm”: [taxonomy/tag.terms.html.html taxonomy/tag.terms.html _default/terms.html.html _default/terms.html indexes/indexes.html.html indexes/indexes.html theme/taxonomy/tag.terms.html.html theme/taxonomy/tag.terms.html theme/_default/terms.html.html theme/_default/terms.html theme/indexes/indexes.html.html theme/indexes/indexes.html]
Built site for language en:
0 draft content
0 future content
0 expired content
3 regular pages created
14 other pages created
0 non-page files copied
0 paginator pages created
2 categories created
2 tags created
total in 15 ms
WARN 2017/07/03 02:00:03 Skip i18nDir: lstat /home/erick/Projetos/ecouto.me/i18n: no such file or directory
Watching for changes in /home/erick/Projetos/ecouto.me/{data,content,layouts,static}
WARN 2017/07/03 02:00:03 Skip i18nDir: lstat /home/erick/Projetos/ecouto.me/i18n: no such file or directory
Serving pages from memory
Web Server is available at //localhost:1313/ (bind address
Press Ctrl+C to stop

You can start here: Getting started | Hugo

Most notable, do not put static files (CSS, images etc.) inside /data.

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