Using Vue, Mustache, or other curly brace based templates in Hugo

I’m looking for feedback on my approach to using curly brace based templating in Hugo.

For me, it’s Vue, but for others, it might be mustache or a number of other things.

I need to be able to write my Vue next to my Hugo templates unencumbered by escaping or other tricks.

This works, but it kills productivity.

<div class="app>
  \{\{ foo \}\}

This is how I’m going about it

<!-- don't render Hugo template here -->
{{ safeHTML `
<div class="app">
  {{ foo }}
` }}
<!-- okay, render Hugo template again -->

This approach lets me work at my normal pace. I have to know that the HTML I write inside is safe to ship unescaped, but in my case it is.

I’d appreciate feedback from the Hugo experts.

So, both Vue and Alpine has single brackets and that should work just fine.

Go’s template package has a setting which allows setting the delimiter to use, but I think it’s more or less a global setting, and that would probably not help either.

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Someone has to take the step back :slight_smile:

new Vue({
    delimiters: ['<<', '>>'],
var customTags = [ '<%', '%>' ];
Mustache.render(template, view, {}, customTags);
Mustache.tags = customTags;

Mustache.render uses the customTags once, Mustache.tags would set them for the whole duration (until you set something else)


Very nice. What approach do you personally use?

I never used Hugo in connection with Vue.js, yet. Could be that this will happen, but in my opinion and the way I am using Vue the whole thing is separated because components in Vue are basically tags and I would enclose everything in components without ever arriving at the point where Hugo templates will collide/contaminate with Vue templates. It would be <my-vue-component>{{< hugoshortcode >}}</my-vue-component> instead and the javascript would do the template code.

Moustache… not sure. In the end I see Hugo and Mustache as identical. I would assume to not have use for Mustache code in my templates.

It’s probably a “religious” discussion :wink:

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Thinking deeper about it: If I would have to use a “curly brace templating system” I would probably put my “curly templates” into string-variables inside of javascript files. Separate! Don’t Mix!

Now that I have used Hugo a bit more, I found the best solution for me. I don’t need Hugo’s templating in content where I’m writing view. I keep all my Vue templating in headless content, then include it like a partial using .Site.GetPage.

There are occasionally outliers where I would want a bit of Vue template in an area where it would collide, and if that happens, I use this approach.

{{ safeHTML `
<div class="app">
  {{ foo }}
` }}
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Awesome! Thank you.