My PC which runs ubuntu worked with the hugo_0.13_linux_amd64 and would display the website on my localhost without any problems. When I made a change, it would automatically update the website on my localhost. A few warnings an one error would show on the console, but they wouldn’t prevent it from displaying.
My new computer is a macbook pro with an M1 chip running Ventura. hugo_0.13_linux_amd64 doesn’t work on macbook pro. I installed latest hugo, hugo v0.109.0+extended darwin/arm64
When I run hugo as I would on my ubuntu but on my macbook, tons of warnings and errors will show. It uses a config.yaml. More errors and warning than what was ever seen on my old computer. It will say “Built in 3816ms”, and then immediately exits. Why doesn’t it stay running as it did on my old computer?
I started working through the errors, trying to fix them. However fixing one would cause another to crop up. And now I am stuck as to what the latest batch of errors even mean.
WARNING: calling IsSet with unsupported type “invalid” () will always return false.
WARN 2023/01/10 14:45:45 found no layout file for “HTML” for kind “section”: You should create a template file which matches Hugo Layouts Lookup Rules for this combination
render of “page” failed: “/Users/kwinst/Documents/GitHub/av-doc/site/layouts/overview/single.html:19:41”: execute of template failed: template: overview/single.html:19:41: executing “overview/single.html” at <where .Site.Taxonomies.groups.gettingstarted.Pages “Section” .Section>: error calling where: can’t iterate over
When I check overview/single.html line 19, it shows
{{ $nbGettingStarted := len (where .Site.Taxonomies.groups.gettingstarted.Pages “Section” .Section)}}
The previous line has almost the exact same thing.
{{ $nbWhatsnew := len (where .Site.Taxonomies.groups.whatsnew.Pages “Section” .Section) }}
When I try to figure out what is different, it seems that whatsnew, has a directory called whatsnew under layouts and contains a single.html
I copied that to a gettingstarted directory and edited it changing references from whatsnew to gettingstarted, but it still complains.
I have searched and searched trying to find a definite process to fix this error, but have not found anything. Is there such a thing?
Can someone help me with this please?