Let say I have following front matter
image_list: ["lama.png","handmade.jpg","foo.webp"]
my expectation is to get rid the extension so i can get lama handmade foo
How can I do that?
Let say I have following front matter
image_list: ["lama.png","handmade.jpg","foo.webp"]
my expectation is to get rid the extension so i can get lama handmade foo
How can I do that?
My ugly workaround
{{ $image := .Params.image_list }}
{{ range $image }}
{{ $ext := path.Ext . }}
{{ trim . $ext }}
{{ end }}
That’s elegant, not ugly. If you would have been able to scan the actual files into .File objects, not the strings, you could have used .BaseFileName from the file variables: