Tool for helping manage a frontmatter?

Do any of you know a tool that would help manage a frontmatter?

Would love to be able to change a taxonomy name globally
(I know I could use find and replace but I am looking for something that would make this process easier. Also, I want to be sure that I am not accidentally changing anything outside of frontmatter)

Also, a feature to append a new taxonomy name on a specific line would be handy.

Does something like this exist?

Personally, I would write a shell script to do your bulk changes. Then review them with a good old git diff

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I haven’t used it, but I’ve heard of Hugo metadata utility.

PS: I do something like that using Emacs Org mode :slight_smile:

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Ehm… My text editor has search and replace, even over multiple lines (sublime text, phpstorm, netbeans).


- bla
- fasel


- fasel
- ghandi

Should do the trick?

thanks for the input. “I know I could use find and replace but I am looking for something that would make this process easier. Also, I want to be sure that I am not accidentally changing anything outside of frontmatter”

Thanks for the input everybody!