Tips for Using Forestry's Blocks, plus a New Hugo Theme

Hey everyone!

Some of you may remember a while ago, Forestry released a field type for its editor called Blocks that can be used to create page layouts from predefined components (among other things.) I released a Hugo theme accompanying this feature called Sawmill that showed you how to use Blocks in this way.

Last week, I worked with our Creative Director to make a theme called uBuild for Jekyll. This week I ported that theme over to Hugo, and wanted to take some time to talk about a few strategies I’ve stumbled across for using the Blocks feature effectively. I really want to encourage anyone using Forestry to explore what’s possible with different field combinations, and to take Blocks into their own hands to make cool stuff.

Check it out (you can also grab the new theme from the article): 3 Tips for Mastering Blocks