Is it possible to customize the HTML markup of how the TOC renders? Currently, it only renders the anchor without the page’s permalink rendering this feature unusable.
I’ve tried making a render-link and a toc partial but that does not seem to produce what I want.
It would be great if we could range {{.TableOfContents}} and render it however we choose instead of hugo deciding how to render it.
I’m going to make this a feature request in the meantime if anyone knows how to accomplish this I would greatly appreciate any insight.
Just leaving this here in case anyone else is looking to solve this issue, here is how I fixed it using javascript.
// get all page headers
var headings = document.querySelectorAll("h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6");
// table of contents container typically a: <ul id=""toc"></ul>
var tableOfContents = document.querySelector("#toc");
// function to render TOC
function renderTOC () {
var toc = [...headings].map(link => `<li>${link.innerHTML}</li>`).join('');
return tableOfContents.innerHTML = toc;
And this is what my render-heading.html template looks like in order to fix proper anchor links:
bumping this. i really love the _markup/render-codeblock.html functionality that we have for headers, images, etc… could we get one for _markup/render-toc.html?
I’m not convinced there would be much value to a render hook for the Table of Contents (TOC), primarily due to the limitations of the existing .TableOfContents method.
The right way to generated a TOC is after the HTML has been written to the public directory.
Generate the TOC with JavaScript (tocbot.js, etc.)