Summary disappears

If I don’t have a new paragraph after the <!--more--> link in my content then the summary does not appear, e.g. this works:

Suspendisse fringilla eu ex a auctor. Curabitur non facilisis eros. 

Integer et diam commodo, ultricies lectus nec, ullamcorper diam.

However this doesn’t (summary does not appear on the site):

Suspendisse fringilla eu ex a auctor. Curabitur non facilisis eros.  Integer et diam commodo, ultricies lectus nec, ullamcorper diam.

Sometimes I don’t want a new paragraph on the actual page where the summary is placed. Is this a bug, feature, user incompetence or … ?

I believe there is an open bug about this.

I suggest you try to move the more tag to its own line.

OK. I’m using a ‘summary’ param in the frontmatter just as often anyway. But I wanted to be sure I’m not doing anything wrong.