Hey, I’m messing around with Hugo and I’m trying to get a short description of each blog post on the front page. (not an excerpt a custom written “marquee” that isn’t in the post)
I made a variable in the front of the post.
marquee = "BLAH BLAH __BLAH__"
In the template I refer to that variable
<div> {{ $page.Params.marquee | markdownify }} </div>
(pretty sure the page variable is correctly assigned in the template I’m using I didn’t write it)
{{ range $name, $page := .Site.Pages }}
The strange thing is it seems to work fine, but hugo throws an error on building.
Error while rendering "home": template: index.html:20:38: executing "index.html" at <markdownify>: wrong number of args for markdownify: want 1 got 0