I uploaded the latest version (hugo 0.71.0_Linux-64bit tar) on my webserver, as told by my provider all-inkl dot com.
I also used the suggested folders usr/local/bin/hugo
So far so good. Using SSH on my Mac, I was able to create a new site, using ./hugo new site NAME
(the . and / infront of hugo are necessary on all-inkl SSH)
The site is created and I can change the config. I also uploaded papercss-theme and removed (as advised on the web) the “master” and included it in the config.
Here, the strange stuff happens (or I am too blind to see my error)
No matter what I try (./hugo or cd NAME ./hugo or hugo server or hugo new post or whatever), SSH always comes back “config not found”. Or, if I cd into the NAME folder (the site hugo created), SSH reports no hugo found.
I thought, I can install hugo on my server, ist that wrong? Is it only possible to use hugo locally and only upload the public? What I read, it should be possible to use hugo on a server, right?
Here is, for German speaking hugoists, the mail from my provider concerning the use of hugo on a server:
Das Installieren sollte mittels folgender Anleitung möglich sein:
If you have not already done so, I strongly encourage you to install Hugo locally, configure it, and learn how everything works. You can certainly install Hugo on a server, but it would be better if you could work out the kinks in an environment that you can control.
I know, that solution might seem a bit odd, but I use Mac and Windows on a daily basis and I can’t install hugo on my work Windows machine, but I can use ftp (File Zilla) and use SSH on my smartphone, so that solution works well for me.