[Solved] Range GetPage can't evaluate field GetPage in type interface


I have a frontmatter with a section with links to .md pages.

"offers": {
    "producteur": [
    "association": [

I get the element table well.

{{ range $index, $element := .Params.offers.association }}
{{ $element }}
{{ end }}














But if I add the function GetPage I have the following error:

{{ range $index, $element := .Params.offers.association }}
          {{ with .GetPage "page" "$element" }}
            {{ .Params.name }}
          {{ end }}
        {{ end }}


executing "main" at <.GetPage>: can't evaluate field GetPage in type interface {}

Thanks for your help

Did you try $.GetPage because you’re inside a loop. Just an assumption, didn’t try myself.


Thanks @Leo_Merkel.
I 've just switch on my brain :slight_smile:

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