My problem is very similar to this one
In the _index.md from my homepage I define:
category_sub1_urls = ["/gaming-pc/budget-builds/best-gaming-pc-under-300","gaming-pc/budget-builds/500-gaming-pc"]
In my index.html I tried:
{{ range $element := .Params.category_sub1_urls }}
<li>{{ printf "%s" $element }}</li>
{{ with $.GetPage "$element" }}
<li><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a></li>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
like mentioned in the other solution - but it’s blank
{{ with .Site.GetPage "$element" }}
or with
{{ with .Site.GetPage (printf "%s" $element) }}
I get the error above
The elements are found - and shown on screen - but the .site.get.page doesn’t seem to function within the range.
Source here - problem is in the _index.md from the homepage