Since updating to 0.22, we have been getting this type of error on some pages:
Error: Error building site: Errors reading pages: Error: failed to parse page metadata for events/2017-zurich/speakers/ Near line 5 (last key parsed ''): expected a top-level item to end with a newline, comment, or EOF, but got '+' instead for
This is what the page looks like:
Website = ""
Title = "Alex Lichtenberger"
Twitter = "a_lichtenberger"
Github = ""
date = 2017-03-15T20:37:34+01:00
type = "speaker"
image = "alex-lichtenberger.jpg"
Alex Lichtenberger is a DevOps enthusiast at Pontine and constantly building bridges
between Dev, Ops and business. Alex has almost 20 years of professional experience in
various areas, starting in software engineering, then moving to operations,
project management and organizational coaching. As a passionate Agile, Lean & DevOps
blogger he recently created the community platform