I’m trying to install Hugo via the Victor Hugo boilerplate. When I execute npm install on my own laptop it works fine, but on my company laptop via the company proxy it fails with the following error:
> hugo-bin@0.16.0 postinstall D:\SOURCES\Netlify.VDW\node_modules\hugo-bin
> del-cli vendor && node lib/install
x unable to get local issuer certificate
x Hugo binary installation failed
We can see that the hugo-bin module is trying to download the following file: https://github.com/spf13/hugo/releases/download/v0.36.1/hugo_0.36.1_Windows-64bit.zip
When I try to download this file via my browser, it succeeds. But hugo-bin seems to use the module bin-wrapper which uses the module download which fails.
We’ve tried the following to get it to work, all without success:
- npm config set strict-ssl false
- npm config set registry to http protocol of npmjs
- Using nodejs 8.11.3 and 10.8.0
- Using hugo-bin 0.29.0 and 0.23.0
How can I get this to work? Thanks.