I used another theme and my website was working but after I saw a nice theme and I simply changed it. From that moment I’m only getting in my site an error:
404 page not found
On browser, on devtools no errors. Hugo in the terminal seems to render everything correctly and here is my config file:
baseurl = "my-url"
relativeURLs = false
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "My Name"
disqusShortname = "username"
paginate = 5
theme = "hugo-geo"
tag = "tags"
# Render the rotating globe in the sidebar
showglobe = true
# Google Analytics
analytics = ""
# Social buttons for sidebar
github = "https://github.com/"
twitter = "https://twitter.com/"
linkedin = "https://linkedin.com/"
# Sidebar profile picture
profilepic = "mypic.jpg"
# Title/subtitle for the sidebar
title = "My Name"
subtitle = "Frontend Developer"
# Nav links below the profile picture
name = "About"
url = "about/"
name = "Blog"
url = "posts/"
Any ideas? I have now the same issue if i revert to old template that was working.
Non of my pages is working: