I have several languages but have problem to generate sitemapindex.xml, after hugo there is not a file sitemapindex.xml in public folder.
I even tried to put file sitemapindex.xml to layouts and then to layouts/_default but nothing happened.
Where it could be the problem?
Which free theme from themes generate this file? I tried few but those also don’t generate.
sitemap.xml are generated correctly in every language directory in public folder.
The sitemap URL should be sitemap.xml by default, i.e. http://localhost:1313/sitemap.xml.
Could you please confirm if there is a sitemap.xml in the public folder?
Please check whether the site disable the sitemap as well.
I think the sitemap.xml is what you’re looking for, it is the index sitemap.
The sitemap of the default language is placed under corresponding language folder, i.e. public/en/sitemap.xml.
unfortunately after command hugo its generate in public directory for every language as en, de, es etc but don’t generate any other file (such as sitemapindex.xml) - i don’t know how to fix it
That’s the case. Command hugo don’t generate sitemap.xml in the root of public directory.
In directories “en”, “de” (and every other language) i have like on the screen. I can’t find a reason why.
@jmooring do you know any hugo theme where it generated? I would check whats the reason