Continuing the discussion from Isolation of links and footnotes inside codeblocks:
I can’t make this work.
This is my shortcode:
{{- /* HOW TO USE
{{% quotebox boxstyle="qbs_generic" qmarkstyle="qbm_doublequotationmark" boxcolour="qbc_blue" attribalign="txt_right" citeby="" citelink="" citerel="noopener external" pubtitle="" publink="" pubrel="noopener external" %}}
{{% /quotebox %}}
*/ -}}
{{- /* Changelog:
1. To avoid confusion:
* replaced src prefix with cite
* replaced attrib prefix with pub
2. converted to $var
*/ -}}
{{- $boxstyle := .Get "boxstyle" -}}
{{- $boxcolour := .Get "boxcolour" -}}
{{- $qmarkstyle := .Get "qmarkstyle" -}}
{{- $attribalign := .Get "attribalign" -}}
{{- $citeby := or (.Get "citeby") (.Get "srctitle") -}}
{{- $citelink := or (.Get "citelink") (.Get "srclink") -}}
{{- $citerel := or (.Get "citerel") (.Get "srcrel") -}}
{{- $pubtitle := or (.Get "pubtitle") (.Get "attribto") -}}
{{- $publink := or (.Get "publink") (.Get "attriblink") -}}
{{- $pubrel := or (.Get "pubrel") (.Get "attribrel") -}}
<figure class="quote_box {{ with $boxstyle }}{{ . }}{{ end }} {{ with $boxcolour }}{{ . }}{{ end }}">
<blockquote class="{{ with $qmarkstyle }}{{ . }}{{ end }}"{{ with $citelink }} cite="{{ . }}"{{ end }}>
{{- .Inner | markdownify -}}
{{ with or $pubtitle $citeby }}
<figcaption class="attribution_name {{ with $attribalign }}{{ . }}{{ end }}">
<p><cite>{{ with $citelink }}<a href="{{ . }}" rel="dct:title {{ with $citerel }}{{ . }}{{ end }}" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin">{{ end }}{{ with $citeby }}{{ . | markdownify }}{{ end }}{{ with $citelink }}</a>{{ end }}{{ with and $citeby $pubtitle }}{{ i18n "quote_src" }} {{ end }}</cite>{{ with $pubtitle }}{{ with $publink }}<a href="{{ . }}" rel="dct:creator {{ with $pubrel }}{{ . }}{{ end }}" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin">{{ end }}{{ . | markdownify }}{{ with $publink }}</a>{{ end }}{{ end }}</p>
{{ end }}
However, when I add footnotes, it doesn’t render if it is outside. Example:
{{% quotebox boxstyle="qbs_generic" qmarkstyle="qbm_doublequotationmark" boxcolour="qbc_blue" attribalign="txt_right" citeby="" citelink="" citerel="noopener external" pubtitle="" publink="" pubrel="noopener external" %}}
content [^some-footnote]
{{% /quotebox %}}
[^some-footnote]: this is a footnote
It renders like this: Pasteboard - Uploaded Image
My only option is to do it like this:
{{% quotebox boxstyle="qbs_generic" qmarkstyle="qbm_doublequotationmark" boxcolour="qbc_blue" attribalign="txt_right" citeby="" citelink="" citerel="noopener external" pubtitle="" publink="" pubrel="noopener external" %}}
content [^some-footnote]
[^some-footnote]: this is a footnote
{{% /quotebox %}}
But the footnote will be rendered inside, like so: Pasteboard - Uploaded Image
- Live sample: YourOnly.One's Hugo Test Site
- Live sample repo: GitHub - techmagus/hugo-test-site: YourOnly.One's Hugo Test Site
I’ve been struggling with it since last year, and only took the time to ask about it today. ^^;;
Not sure what I did incorrectly to have broken the feature.