Setting a menu's name

Just wondering if this is possible. My menu has 3 columns and I set the contents in config.yaml:

  - identifier: blog
    name: This is the blog section
    title: blog section
    url: /blog/
    weight: 1

  - identifier: blog5
    name: This is the blog section
    title: blog section
    url: /blog/
    weight: 1
  - identifier: blog6

This works as expected. And each of the columns has a heading, so I was thinking if there was some way to extrapolate that information from the config file.

Something like this:

  - name: About
  - identifier: blog
    name: This is the blog section
    title: blog section
    url: /blog/
    weight: 1

Two options I could think of:

{{ range $k, $v := site.Menus }}
   {{ humanize (string $k) }}
{{ end }}

Assuming you name your menus something humanize-able, eg

=> Footer column one

Option 2 is to restructure your menus to have one main menu, and have parent-child relationships:

    - identifier: col1
      name: Col 1 Heading
    - identifier: col1a
      name: Col 1 Child
      parent: col1
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What do you mean by “extracting”? Do you want to see what is set up? Then have a look at (you probably know it) hugo-debugprint. If you want to use these parameters somewhere else in the site than in a menu loop I would scratch them once and use these variables.

I meant something like what @pointyfar suggested, where, once you know which menu you want to display, you don’t need to specify the ‘human’ version of its title.