Hi all,
I’m working on my site with two menus. One for all sections in /content
(menuArt), and the second one for special root pages or external links (menuTop).
I cannot make it :(((
All the following in config.toml
I started using the lazy bloggers menu
SectionPagesMenu = "menuArt"
then I define the menus that I will need:
menu = ["menuArt","menuTop"]
then I define the second menu
name = "Goto external link"
url = "https://externallink.com"
name = "Make contact"
identifier = "/contact"
url = "/contact"
My content section is as follows:
All root sections have a _index.md
I use baseof.html
In my template index.html
, I call {{ partial "footer.html" . }}
where then I iterate:
<ul class="">
{{ range site.Menus.menuArt }}
<li><a class="" href="{{ .URL }}">{{ .Name }}</a></li>
{{ end }}
All I get is <nil>
I’m baffled.I have read some posts here that report that SectionPagesMenu is not working.
I have tried without SectionPagesMenu = "menuArt"
in config.toml
, but menus individually defined in this file and it works, but then what is the point of this great feature?
Another related question. If I put all my menus in a menus.toml
for a theme that I am developing, where is canonical place to put the file? In the root of my project, next to config.toml
? or the theme/config
directory? or in a /config
My hugo version is hugo v0.89.4+extended linux/amd64 BuildDate=unknown in Manjaro.