Hi guys, so I’ve been using Hugo for the past few years for my personal site, but I’m trying to revamp the site with a new theme. So I made a new site with the reveal-hugo theme and followed the instructions on the reveal-hugo theme page: https://themes.gohugo.io/reveal-hugo/
I’ve followed the instructions exactly, but when I run the hugo server
command, I get this:
Your rendered home page is blank: /index.html is zero length
- Did you specify a theme on the command-line or in your “config.toml” file (Current theme: reveal-hugo)
I’m genuinely confused, any ideas?
Either of the above works.
However it’s difficult to say what’s going on without seeing the source of your project.
See: Requesting Help
Yeah I’ve tried both, I understand its difficult to find the problem I was just hoping someone might have had a similar issue or know anything specific about this error.
I’ve just tried running again with a few more pages, and I’m getting this:
ERROR: 2019/02/17 13:57:09 template.go:350: template: theme/_default/baseof.reveal.html:11: function “default” not defined
ERROR: 2019/02/17 13:57:09 template.go:350: template: theme/_default/index.reveal.html:2: function “union” not defined
ERROR: 2019/02/17 13:57:09 template.go:350: template: theme/_default/list.reveal.html:2: function “union” not defined
ERROR: 2019/02/17 13:57:09 template.go:350: template: theme/partials/layout/javascript.html:3: function “default” not defined
ERROR: 2019/02/17 13:57:09 template.go:350: template: theme/partials/layout/theme.html:2: function “default” not defined
ERROR: 2019/02/17 13:57:09 template.go:350: template: theme/shortcodes/slide.html:2: function “slice” not defined
What is your Hugo version?
From the looks of those errors you must be using a very old version.
You need to update your Hugo installation.
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