Forgive me for my limited coding knowledge but I’m very confused on this particular topic.
I’ve recently added image processing and resizing based on this blog posts recommendations using a short code. My images are located in the assets/ folder under assets/images.
When I inspect the page I see:
<img sizes="(min-width: 35em) 720px, 100vw" srcset="
/images/test/duck_hu99efd98e34c17dd60a546cac55d5d98a_299349_500x0_resize_box_3.png 500w
, /images/test/duck_hu99efd98e34c17dd60a546cac55d5d98a_299349_800x0_resize_box_3.png 800w
, /images/test/duck_hu99efd98e34c17dd60a546cac55d5d98a_299349_1200x0_resize_box_3.png 1200w
" src="/images/test/duck.png" data-src="" alt="yo">
I’m using the Hugo W3 Simple Theme, specifically the index.html under /_defaults for the home page, trying to generate thumbnails for my blog posts.
I understand one way is to use metadata, but this code inside the index.html seemed to work for rendering images without metadata (grabbing first image in post content using hugo’s regex)
Everything was working as described until I added image resizing and now I’m wondering how to grab the first image of the blog post.
I hope this is clear enough and I’d be happy to break it down further, thank you for the help.