Resize image given an url from partial


I want to implement last articles on mi blog index.html with and image, and I have in front matter for each post a param:

img: img/test.png

I can show the image with this code:

{{ with .Site.GetPage "/blog" }}
    {{ range first 4 .Pages }}
        {{ $urlImg:= "" }}
        {{ $permalink := .Permalink }}
        {{ with .Params.img }}
        {{ $urlImg = (printf "%s%s" $permalink .) }}
        {{ end }}
        <a href="{{.Permalink}}">
            <img src="{{$urlImg}}">
{{ end }}

I have tried with this partial:

{{ partial "img.html" (dict "context" . "src" $urlImg ) }}

And trying to show the width of the image in the partial, but it doesn´t work.

{{ $src := .context.Page.Resources.GetMatch (printf "*%s*" .src) }}
{{ $src.Width }}

Any help please? I am new in Hugo. I have a shortcode for responsive images, but I can´t get the same in a partial.

Thanks a lot, best regards.


I’m just guessing here, but I think your issue is with the path you are passing to .GetMatch. It looks like you are passing the full rendered URL of the img, ie, which works for the img src attribute.

However .GetMatch, as a Page Resources method, is relative to the .Page object.

See this example in the docs. If you have a Page Bundle at content/blog/foo/ , the example image above would be located at content/blog/foo/images/sunset.jpg, in the specific example.

Thanks for the links, I could correct it and make it work:

{{ with .Site.GetPage "/blog" }}
{{ range first 4 .Pages }}
    <a class="hover:text-green-500" href="{{.Permalink}}">
        {{ $contextBlog := . }}
        {{ with .Params.img }}
            {{ $resources := $contextBlog.Resources.Match . }}
            {{ $cover := index ($resources) 0 }}
            {{ with $cover.Width }}
                {{ $img := $cover }}
                {{ if ge $cover.Width "640" }}
                    {{ $img = $cover.Resize "640x" }}
                {{ end }}
                {{ partial "img.html" (dict "context" . "img" $img) }}
            {{ end }}
        {{ end }}
{{ end }}