Are you saying that if you delee /resources/gen/_images and do a new build the same set of images gets truncated?
Seems that we at least have a bug in the error handling department, and I’m a little surprised that you see no indication of any error – if we fail to decode/resize the image we should also fail to encode it…
But this is guessing. If this is reproducable with 1 image, it would be great if you could somehow share that image with me so I could look at it.
Thank you for this advice. I was completely unaware of that directory containing generated files. At first this was an explanation, why every time the same image was truncated…
I’ve deleted the resources and public folder and generated the website another time. Due to the content, I’ve ran into the following message:
Gwenfrewi:avd_infopoint ralf$ /usr/local/bin/hugo --verbose --verboseLog
Total in 31773 ms
Error: Error building site: **"/Users/ralf/git/avd_infopoint/content/posts/2017-07-29-juicy-beats/"** : timed out initializing value. This is most likely a circular loop in a shortcode
The second attempt was much faster and succeeded. But one image was truncated…
I’ve deleted this very same image and started again. Now only that missing image gets generated and all’s well
Obviously as the time-out thingy raises, hugo leaves empty files around.
Is there any chance to increase the time-out value?
I’ve been hitting this too - lots of image derivatives in a shortcode for image srcset attribute - I was looking for a way to increase the timeout in the docs. Thanks bep!
I’m getting the same issue - images being rendered to 0 bytes size. Somehow, it depends on the exact size and the format (jpg/png). Removing --ignoreCache flags helped me as well.
Vrsion: hugo v0.105.0+extended darwin/amd64 BuildDate=unknown