Request: hugo with a 'hello world' example?

cshorednaiel thanks for your response, but it doesn’t seem you understood my post.

i’m gonna summarize my other thoughts here for anybody else who has come across same issue.

one such user pm-d me a link to a from-scratch hugo site guide, which is closer to idea of a hello-world-level example. ( i realized later that a hello-world for hugo probably shouldn’t be a theme, i changed subject line and category to reflect this).

here is the guide the user mentioned.

i also found this very simple hello world site request that is similiar and answered by same author of blog post above.

i actually think what would be more helpful is just a flow diagram showing how (eg in what order) hugo assembles content from directories to make a page. i can sort of understand this after a few hours reading the docs, but i’m certain i don’t totally get it. generally speaking if you have to read this much to understand it you’re losing a lot of potential users and devs who don’t want to invest the time.

in this thread, i see another user had the same issue and attempted to create something that is close (but not really specific, which would require understanding source to do):

not a flowchart, but attempts to show how parts make a whole

this image is much more specific (via this blog) but it only covers a portion of hugo building:
partial flowchart

If I find or create anything else will try to post here.

Ideally the developers would create this, because this could do it very quickly and it would be more accurate and again bounce off less new users for your project. (saying this as someone who helped outgrow two other vc-backed open source projects in a non-website space).

Anyways, definately seems pretty interesting just wish there was quicker way to get my intuition matching the developers, rather than trial and error and time as it seems. (and yes, there’s always a faster way to onboard new users).

will do my part if i can. thx again.