Rendering error

I am new to Hugo! Please bear with me. When I check Hugo -D, I get error building site, rendering pages as it’s looking for a google-analytics.async.html file inside my layout/partials but that doesn’t exist. My main issue is that my github committs are not reflecting in my netlify site. The site was built with old hugo (0.80) and I have now updated to latest 140.2. Any help will be much appreciated.

If you are using a third party theme, check the theme’s GitHub repository for updates.

Thank you so much! I am using the vanilla-bootstrap-hugo-theme that was used to build this site that I am updating 4 years ago. How can I update that?

It seems to be archived here: GitHub - zwbetz-gh/vanilla-bootstrap-hugo-theme: A vanilla Bootstrap theme for Hugo. Any easy way to move to another theme?

I am making fairly minor updates to the site here: using my forked github repo: GitHub - maithgopalan/c2-dataviz-2025: Data Visualization for Educational Data Science: Winter 2025. While the old site is still rendering, my new commits are not showing up on the site. I think it’s something simple that I am missing and I would much appreciate your help!

Yeah, the fix is pretty simple:

diff --git a/themes/vanilla-bootstrap-hugo-theme/layouts/partials/google-analytics-async.html b/themes/vanilla-bootstrap-hugo-theme/layouts/partials/google-analytics-async.html
index ecc2767..b0fae85 100644
--- a/themes/vanilla-bootstrap-hugo-theme/layouts/partials/google-analytics-async.html
+++ b/themes/vanilla-bootstrap-hugo-theme/layouts/partials/google-analytics-async.html
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-{{ if not .Site.IsServer }}
-  {{ with .Site.GoogleAnalytics }}
+{{ if not hugo.IsServer }}
+  {{ with site.Config.Services.GoogleAnalytics.ID }}

Thank you so much! You are awesome. Just an additional note, I’ve been working with Claude over the last two days, and while it is great, it’s still miles behind you Joe Mooring! Thank you!!!

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