Render all terms of a taxonomy based on the url

I want to create a terms.html under ~/themes/<themename>/layouts/_default that shows all terms of a taxonomy based on a url like this Tag would be Hugo’s default taxonomy and golang it’s term.

This script from the docs lists all terms of a taxonomy, but it’s static:

<ul id="all-tags">
  {{ range $name, $taxonomy := .Site.Taxonomies.tags }}
    <li><a href="/tags/{{ $name | urlize }}">{{ $name }}</a></li>
  {{ end }}

Is it possible to extract the taxonomy from the url?

I’m pretty sure you get what you want out of the box.

Control the look-and-feel of that list in:


I mean the terms.html, not the list.html.

The theme ‘Hyde’ doesn’t provide a terms.html by default. What I get in the browser looks like the page of a FTP server:

Tag list

So I created my own terms.html. But if I visit I would like to see all terms that belongs to the categories taxonomy.