Relearn: Disable MathJax: public/js/mathjax/ still there

I’m using the Relearn theme (v 6.1.1) for a website. In my hugo.toml file, I disabled MathJax as follows:

disableMathJax = true

However, after running rm -rf public && hugo, I still got 24M of MathJax JavaScript code:

$ du -hs public/js/mathjax/
24M	public/js/mathjax/

I don’t need MathJax, so blowing up an otherwise lean website is annoying. Of course, since MathJax is not used, I could simply not synchronize that particular folder with my web server, but I think it should be possible to avoid generating all the bloat in the first place.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

This setting is not for removing anything from your final project but to take care, the MathJax library is loaded in your page if using a passthrough configuration.

I agree, the name of this option is debatable but it has a history and now is not easily changable.

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