Mathjax not working


I am using mathjax which is inbuilt in mainroad hugo theme. Here is the way used

create a file mathjax.html and paste below code in it in theme partials folder.

    {{ if and .IsPage (eq (.Param "mathjax") true) }}
    <script src="{{ .Param "mathjaxPath" | default "" }}{{ with .Param "mathjaxConfig" | default "TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML" }}?config={{ . }}{{ end }}" async></script>
    {{ end }}

inside footer.html have these

{{ if .Params.mathjax}}{{ partial "mathjax.html" . }}{{ end }}

Only the last one of below worked. The first 2 are not working.

\$T(n) = C1*1  +  C2*n + C3*(n-1)] + C4*(n-1) +  C5*(\sum _{j=2} ^{n} t_{j}) + C5*(\sum _{j=1}^{n-1} (n-j)) + C6*(\sum _{j=2} ^{n} (t_{j}-1)) + C7 *(\sum _{j=2} ^{n} (t_{j}-1)) + C8*(n-1)\$

T(n) = C1*1  +  C2*n + C3*(n-1)] + C4*(n-1) +  C5*(\sum _{j=2} ^{n} t_{j}) + C5*(\sum _{j=1}^{n-1} (n-j)) + C6*(\sum _{j=2} ^{n} (t_{j}-1)) + C7 *(\sum _{j=2} ^{n} (t_{j}-1)) + C8*(n-1)

T(n) = C1*1  +  C2*n + C3*(n-1)] + C4*(n-1) +  C5*(\sum _{j=2} ^{n} t_{j}) + C5*(\sum _{j=1}^{n-1} (n-j)) + C6*(\sum _{j=2} ^{n} (t_{j}-1)) + C7 *(\sum _{j=2} ^{n} (t_{j}-1)) + C8*(n-1)

Could anyone please help. Thank you in advance.


The Hugo docs has some tips on using MathJax which might help: