The issue is when I try to have my THEME’s theme.html have a reference to the corporate logo. If I use the same resources.Get in the theme.html, it does not find it, and returns NIL, and no image is displayed.
If I then copy/move the “logo” to themes/theme_name/assets/images/CorporateLogo.png, magically everything works again.
I want the “base data” to be stored in the base site, and have the theme reference these items.
Is it as simple as putting a “stub” png in the theme’s assets folder to trick HUGO into accepting them, and having the inheritance take care of the rest??
You directory structure shows assets/logos/foo.png, but your config references images/logos/foo.png. Why isn’t the images subdirectory present in your directory structure?
Actually here I simply meant any random theme page, trying to incorporate an image provided from a parameter in the the base website’s config.toml config file.
I’m pretty sure you have something misconfigured. Try this:
git clone --single-branch -b hugo-forum-topic-44017 hugo-forum-topic-44017
cd hugo-forum-topic-44017
hugo server