Redirects for /latest/ on multi-versioned docs site

This is probably out of scope for this forum but I’m wondering how I can maintain docs site that publishes an updated set of docs for every product release (1.1, 1.2., 2.0) where you can navigate to pages in the following way:


It’s easy enough for me to set up redirects like this using Netlify Toml:

  from = "/latest/"
  to = "/2.4.x/"
  status = 301
  force = true

  from = "/latest/getting_started/*"
  to = "/2.4.x/getting-started/"
  status = 301
  force = true

… but not sure if i could flip it? or how to do that. each section has many folders/subfolders. Is there anything I can configure within hugo to make this easier?