Range Params within markdown!

Hi I am using some params to generate a product preview I want

that acctual code in markdown is

  - product:
          - pro: 1st Pros
          - pro: 2nd Pros
        name: MSI MEG GODLIKE Z390
          - specification: "The Specs of the Motherbaord"
          - con: 1st Con
          - con: 2nd Con
      - paragraphs:
          - paragraph: >-
              The 1st Description Paragraph I want to write!
          - paragraph: >-
              The 2nd Description Paragraph I want to write!

and here’s how I am doing it in my partial file.

    {{ range .Params.recommendation.product}}
            <a href="">{{.name}}</a>
    {{ end }}

There will be multiple product names, specs, pros, cons and paragraphs also.

It returns an error! which is

execute of template failed at <.Params.recommendation.product>: can't evaluate field product in type []interface {}

Please help me fix ASAP!!!

First, the YAML you posted is invalid. Use a validator.

Second, there is nothing to range through in product.

It’s valid! I just checked.

Also there this is actually markdown frontmatter. it’s not just yaml file.

We can do range frontmatter.

I don’t know. But a Man is using it for a while. and he didn’t tell me the code. :sob: