December 11, 2020, 11:09am
How I can use this option select solution to range a YAML map of Key : Value (string : int) pairs?
sizes: ["small","med","large"]
color: ["red","blue","black"]
{{ range $variantName, $value := .Params.option }}
{{ if len $value }} <!-- check if value(array) is not empty -->
<select name="{{ $variantName }}" id="{{ $variantName }}">
{{ range $v := $value }}
<option value="{{ $v }}">{{ $v | humanize }}</option>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
December 12, 2020, 6:12pm
Perhaps scratch can be used: Iterate over scratch
Doesn’t this already work perfectly? What am I missing?
Edit: Did you wanted to pass something like this?:
a: 1
b: 2
c: 3
prices: ["small": 10,"med": 12,"large": 14]
December 16, 2020, 12:02pm
Thank you! At the moment I’m using html select-options, but I’ll return to this soon. Do you have a working code ot hugo-type select-options of key-value pairs?
No, I don’t at the moment. In fact, the code you provided is the closest thing I have
What’s wrong with using that one?
December 16, 2020, 12:16pm
Here is my current data file:
- country: Argentina
price: 80
- country: Armenia
price: 60
- country: Australia
price: 46
- country: Austria
price: 28.9
Here is my current code:
{{ range $country, $price := $.Site.Data.weight.three }}
<select class="order form-control border-0" id="select-0">
<option value="{{ $price }}">{{ $country | humanize }}</option>
{{ end }}
It produces the following output:
0th - $map[country:Argentina price:80]
1st - $map[country:Armenia price:60]
2nd - $map[country:Australia price:46]
3rd - $map[country:Austria price:28.9]
This should be a dropdown list showing one option - but this code shows all options.
May be someone can tell me how to make it display only the country name and price, like
Argentina - 80
Thank you
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January 20, 2021, 4:35pm
Yes, I wanted to pass something exactly like this to the dropdown:
But it does not get ranged - so I use plain html select/options. If you happen to know how to do that - please let me know.
How about this?
<select class="order form-control border-0" id="select-0">
{{ range $.Site.Data.weight.three }}
<option value="{{ .price }}">{{ .country | humanize }}</option>
{{ end }}
The result:
<select class="order form-control border-0" id="select-0">
<option value="80">Argentina</option>
<option value="60">Armenia</option>
<option value="46">Australia</option>
<option value="28.9">Austria</option>
The reason is that the data structure you are ranging is a slice (of dictionaries) and not a dictionary. Each of those dictionaries has the two keys that you want, country and price.
Edit: I got distracted and answered your Dec 20’ post, not the most recent one. Send me a message of you’d like to see the other one
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January 25, 2021, 11:49am
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