I’m writing a post in content/posts/mypost/index.md and have an image content/posts/mypost/image.png that I want to display in the post.
I want to use the figure shortcode. I have to specify src="/some/path". I thought if I just put src="image.png" than it would handle it as a relative URL and that would work, but it doesn’t.
What’s the proper way of specifying the URL?
Also, how does all this relate with things like .Resources.Match, why can’t I use this with shortcodes? Or can I? If so, how? What’s the correct way of embedding an image into a post?
Easiest is to use images is in page bundles, should have no problem with relative paths then. Page Bundles | Hugo (gohugo.io)
Option 1. use a render hook, add an image in the usual markdown way and make it a figure element in the render hook Markdown Render Hooks | Hugo (gohugo.io)
Option 2. use a shortcode, not sure how the built in figure shortcode works but you can roll your own.
I’m still wondering how the built-in figure shortcode is implemented. If I can only pass global URLs, this would be a really bad shortcode. I thought built-in shortcodes are sort of ideal in what they do, because the Hugo developers themselves developed them?
(Perhaps you can comment @bep, but only if you have the time!)