New to Hugo, and unable to solve this. I have a blog that uses page bundles, where the images are located in the same directory as the page
The figure code: {{< figure src="fear-the-fedora.jpg" caption='Fear the Fedora Shirt' >}}
The figure renders as expected on the blog post, but shows as a broken link on the list page. Hugo doesn’t seem to parse in the directory structure for the image, as it is rendered on the list page as:
<img src="fear-the-fedora.jpg" alt="Fear the Fedora Shirt" > - this is a broken image on the list page.
Also potentially relevant, I don’t specify a domain in the baseURL:
baseURL = "/"
Bonus question: Is it possible to render HTML or markdown in the figcaption using the default shortcode?
So reading into this, I believe what you’re saying is that I can’t use the built-in {{< figure >}} short code, and I’ll need to create my own, where I specify the context?
Edit: the built-in shortcodes are bit of a black box. Where is the code located, so I can take a look at how they are constructed?