I am pretty new here, and I keep having issues with self-hosted fonts. I have followed the advice(s) in this forum (e g., from here: Where do self-hosted fonts in themes go? - #7 by danniel3) but when I run the check on ‘sicher3’ I keep being told that the fonts are loaded from google.
Not sure at this point what to do, I am using GitLab and the wowchemy academic theme. In case you find time to help, the public repository is located here: Dr. Matthias Baumann / website · GitLab
Looking at the live site it seems to me that the fonts are coming from the local hosting, except for Roboto and Academicons. Academicicons is defined in the wowchemy theme. Your custom.css refers to local Roboto files, but they don’t seem to be there (unless I’m mistaken)
Great, thanks for the quick reply. I added the Roboto fonts to the folder (I indeed forgot them). Yet, the test results in the same results, so I am assuming that I am not editing the correct .scss-files (?).