Problem with the rendering of blockquote by default

Hello to all,

I have a problem with the rendering of blockquote by default, they are not formatted anymore.

I think it’s from the markup config file but I can’t find what I changed that would have broken the rendering.

I need your help.

Here is the repository.

Thanks in advance.

      block: true

This is under the wrong key. See docs.

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Also, something like this:

> This is a note.
> {.alert .alert-primary}

Should look like:

> This is a note.
{.alert .alert-primary}
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thanks for very fast reply as usual.

I going to see the documentation, i understand the wrong key.

except for the indentation at the beginning, but since I’m in markup.yaml and not config.yaml it’s normal.

I must have my nose to the grindstone :rofl:

on the doc.

        block: false

my markup.yaml

      block: true

You are correct. I misread the indentation. One of many reasons I prefer TOML.

You still need to do this:

> This is a note.
{.alert .alert-primary}

Not this:

> This is a note.
> {.alert .alert-primary}


I modified the quoted lines, even if I doubted that it was that, because the article is in draft? But anyway that’s not it.

Could it be from render hook codeblock?

No. At this point I am unable to help you without access to your project.

I put the repository in my first message that’s what you’re talking about ?

When I build your site, this is what I see when visiting /blog/article-test/

Is there a different problem?

For reference, this is how I built your site:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd hugo_with_cms/
npm ci
hugo server -D

Thanks again for following the topic.

I will try to be more clear.

Here is the rendering (left) of the markdown (right).
As you can see the quotes (>) are not rendered as they should be ?

As you can see in the developer tools of your favorite browser, the blockquote element does not have any styling but margins.

That’s at least what I see in Safari mobile.

Oh thanks for pointing that out, I went headlong into Hugo’s parameters when maybe it’s from the CSS for my Render codeblock that overwrites the bootstrap style, I’ll look into it right away.

Well, I’m still surprised that it worked by default and since a while nothing.

Bootstrap displays the blockcode without margin so it’s not completely weird.

But why did it work before and not now? I think it will remain a mystery.

I compensated by applying a custom style to the blockquote class and it works.

So I consider it solved even if it remains a mystery.

Thank you all for your help and your responsiveness