Problem with menus.yaml

I have tried to create a menus.yaml file under /config/_default/.
The file is indented 2 spaces and when I run “hugo server” I get the following screen:"
Error: command error: failed to create config from result: failed to decode “menus”: unable to cast maps.Params{“main”:interface {}{map[string]interface {}{“name”:“HOME”, “pageRef”:“home”, “url”:“/”, “weight”:1}, map[string]interface {}{“name”:“Dues”, “pageRef”:“dues”, “url”:“/dues”, “weight”:10}, map[string]interface {}{“name”:“Dues2022”, “pageRef”:“dues2022”, “parent”:“dues”, “url”:“/dues2022”, “weight”:22}, map[string]interface {}{“name”:“Dues2023”, “pageRef”:“dues2023”, “parent”:“dues”, “url”:“/dues2023”, “weight”:23}, map[string]interface {}{“name”:“Expenses”, “pageRef”:“expenses”, “url”:“/expenses”, “weight”:20}, map[string]interface {}{“name”:“Expenses2022”, “pageRef”:“expenses2022”, “parent”:“expenses”, “url”:“/expenses2022”, “weight”:22}, map[string]interface {}{“name”:“Expenses2023”, “pageRef”:“expenses2023”, “parent”:“expenses”, “url”:“/expenses2023”, “weight”:23}, map[string]interface {}{“name”:“Minutes”, “pageRef”:“minutes”, “url”:“/minutes”, “weight”:30}, map[string]interface {}{“name”:“News”, “pageRef”:“news”, “url”:“/news”, “weight”:40}, map[string]interface {}{“name”:“Webmaster News”, “pageRef”:“webmaster news”, “parent”:“news”, “url”:“/webmaster”, “weight”:44}, map[string]interface {}{“name”:“President News”, “pageRer”:“president news”, “parent”:“news”, “url”:“/president”, “weight”:42}, map[string]interface {}{“name”:“Blog”, “pageRef”:“blog”, “url”:“/blog”, “weight”:50}, map[string]interface {}{“name”:“President Blog”, “pageRef”:“president blog”, “parent”:“blog”, “url”:“/president”, “weight”:52}, map[string]interface {}{“name”:“Webmaster Blog”, “pageRef”:“webmaster blog”, “parent”:“blog”, “url”:“/webmaster”, “weight”:54}}} of type maps.Params to interface{}" after all of the hugo help commands.

If I remove the indention i get the following error:
" Error: command error: failed to create config from result: failed to decode “menus”: unable to cast of type to interface{}" again after the hugo help screen.

If I remove the menus.yaml file after copying it the config.yaml I get the following error:
“Error: command error: failed to load config: failed to unmarshal config for path “/media/gerald/Projects/EPGHOA/”: “_stream.yaml:59:1”: failed to unmarshal YAML: yaml: line 59: did not find expected key”

The following is my Menus.yaml file.
- name: HOME
url: /
weight: 1
pageRef: home
- name: Dues
url: /dues
weight: 10
pageRef: dues
- name: Dues2022
url: /dues2022
weight: 22
pageRef: dues2022
parent: dues
- name: Dues2023
url: /dues2023
pageRef: dues2023
weight: 23
parent: dues
- name: Expenses
url: /expenses
weight: 20
pageRef: expenses
- name: Expenses2022
url: /expenses2022
weight: 22
pageRef: expenses2022
parent: expenses
- name: Expenses2023
url: /expenses2023
pageRef: expenses2023
weight: 23
parent: expenses
- name: Minutes
url: /minutes
pageRef: minutes
weight: 30
- name: News
url: /news
pageRef: news
weight: 40
- name: Webmaster News
url: /webmaster
pageRef: webmaster news
weight: 44
parent: news
- name: President News
url: /president
pageRer: president news
weight: 42
parent: news
- name: Blog
url: /blog
pageRef: blog
weight: 50
- name: President Blog
url: /president
pageRef: president blog
weight: 52
parent: blog
- name: Webmaster Blog
url: /webmaster
pageRef: webmaster blog
weight: 54
parent: blog
When I posted this it removed all of the indention’s
I am using Hugo 0.115.4 and my theme is “Docsy”
Any ideas of what I am doing wrong?

After reading a similar post with a similar problem I removed “menu:” as the first line in my menus.yaml file and it was able to build without any errors.
I think (and I could be wrong) but all of the examples in the documentation show it to have “menu:” as the first line in the file.

Hello webmaster,

The documentation describes this behavior implicitly: The example there shows this for params. But it wasn’t obvious to me at first, too.

The name of every section configuration file in the config folder like your menu.yaml already contains the section key as its name. It must be omitted from the file.

You need to adapt configuration examples from the docs accordingly because they are all for single configuration files.