PaperMod config crashes Hugo

Hi, I’m trying PaperMod with the newest verion of Hugo. I added 5 unique menu items
to my site’s hugo.yml and attempted to create an, which gave me:

Error: failed to create config from result: failed to decode "menus": unable to cast maps.Params{"identifier":"links", "name":"Links", "url":"/links/", "weight":50} of type maps.Params to []interface{}

This was the 5th menu item. What went wrong?

It would be helpful if you could share some more information. For example, the menu entries as they appear in your site configuration, the code that renders the menu, etc.

Okay, here’s hugo.yml’s menu. everything was okay, but the end of this:

    identifier: topics
    name: Topics
    url: /topics/
    weight: 10
    identifier: tags
    name: Tags
    url: /tags/
    weight: 20
    identifier: archives
    name: Archives
    url: /archives/
    weight: 30
    identifier: about
    name: About
    url: /about/
    weight: 40
    identifier: links
    name: Links
    url: /links/
    weight: 50

#Now for the code to create
C:\Users\User\Documents\User\Websites\main website\mysite>hugo new

That’s when I got the error.

Please compare your yaml to the examples in the documentation.

Are you telling me that there’s a weight limit? That’s the only way I can process
your answer. That comment and hugo code is not in the actual yml.

Update: Forgot the "- " indent for the start of each item and the the indents of each detail after it. Compiled it, and it worked like a charm!

Sorry for the confusion.

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