My issue is that I don’t like to use the hierachy:
section_name/_index.md ← content
Instead, I name my files name.md (much easier to search for than a _index.md among many others !) and I would like ressources related to that page to locate either in a directory of the same name (so name/) or a directory named name_dir/
But I don’t know of a IsDirectory function, and hugo is confused by the ambiguity of both a regular content page and a directory having the same name, so it doesn’t know which to get the resources in .Pages from.
So I would something like this:
{{with .filename"_dir" |.Site.GetPage}}
{{ range .Page.Pages }}
<a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ partial "docs/title" . }}</a>
<dd class="markdown-inner">
{{ default .Summary .Description }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
What can I write it ?
I do not care.
I name my files a way to make them easy to search. The article about technology is named technology.md and I will not name it technology/_index.md just because this time it has some related resources. It would be cumbersome as hell to search for.
I order my content as I need to, not where hugo (or rather developers) thinks I should while having no idea how my mind and habits work.
Something that could do the trick IF it wasn’t so badly implemented, would be writing whevere I want but incorporate those texts through a a {{< content >}} shortcode in whichever _index.md to access that page’s .Content, so that it does reflect the rendered site arborescence as per HUGO’s way. But the TableOfContent function doesn’t look inside shortcodes.
I need to tell hugo to search resources wherever I tell him to, by changing the argument given to .GetPage, is it possible or not ?
… Or I might simply specify which pages follow in the frontmatter, like this: