Partial for checking min/max Hugo version

The need to take actions based on the version Hugo that is in use has come up a few times in my Hugo meanderings, so I came up with a partial:

{{- $ctx := . -}}
{{- $verInRange := true -}}
{{- $hugoVersion := split hugo.Version "." -}}
{{- $verMajor := int (index $hugoVersion 0) -}}
{{- $verMinor := int (index $hugoVersion 1) -}}
{{- $verPatch := int (index $hugoVersion 2) -}}
{{- $minMajor := int (.minMajor | default 0) -}}
{{- $minMinor := int (.minMinor | default $verMinor) -}}
{{- $minPatch := int (.minPatch | default 0) -}}
{{- $maxMajor := int (.maxMajor | default $verMajor) -}}
{{- $maxMinor := int (.maxMinor | default $verMinor) -}}
{{- $maxPatch := int (.maxPatch | default $verPatch) -}}
{{- if lt $verMajor $minMajor -}}
	{{- $verInRange = false -}}
{{- else if and (eq $verMajor $minMajor) (lt $verMinor $minMinor) -}}
	{{- $verInRange = false -}}
{{- else if and (eq $verMajor $minMajor) (eq $verMinor $minMinor) (lt $verPatch $minPatch) -}}
	{{- $verInRange = false -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if $verInRange -}}
	{{- if gt $verMajor $maxMajor -}}
		{{- $verInRange = false -}}
	{{- else if and (eq $verMajor $maxMajor) (gt $verMinor $maxMinor) -}}
		{{- $verInRange = false -}}
	{{- else if and (eq $verMajor $maxMajor) (eq $verMinor $maxMinor) (gt $verPatch $maxPatch) -}}
		{{- $verInRange = false -}}
	{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- return $verInRange -}}

which can be called with something like

{{- if partial "check-hugo-version.html" (dict "minMajor" 0 "minMinor" 101 "minPatch" 0) -}} stuff that needs at least 0.101.0...
{{- else -}}
   ...older stuff...
{{- end -}}

I also have unit tests at

combined with

Hope some of you find this useful.


Apparently this was totally unnecessary because bep already has code that handles this without any additional functions required.

Just do

{{ if hugo.Version ge "0.101.0" }}
   Something that depends on at least 0.101.0
{{ else }}
   Fallback code and/or warn user that they need a newer version
{{ end }}