Organize section content under nested taxonomy

Thanks @alexandros for your input, I’ll definitely have a look at the solution/workaround you are suggesting.
However I ended up doing another workaround using some “virtual” taxonomy, I mean by that that I set up a second taxonomy that is used in the front matter of my content but this taxonomy itself is never displayed :

  • default “categories” taxonomy is used to display the actual content of the categories, in my case my products
  • “productcategories” taxonomy is used to map the product to the actual category it refers to in the layout

So assuming that I want Product 1 to appear under subcategory A, I will first define my virtual taxonomy in Product 1 content :
productcategories: ["subcategory A"]

Now to be able to display the correct products on each of my categories, I’ve defined the following on the list.html layout of the categories taxonomy :

        {{ $productcategory := .Title }}
        {{ if isset .Params "productcategory" }}
        {{ $productcategory := .Params.productcategory }}
        {{ end }}

        {{ range $key, $value := .Site.Taxonomies.productcategories }}
		{{ if eq $key $productcategory }}
			{{ range $value.Pages }}
				<li class="product">
				    Product content appears here...
			{{ end }}
		{{ end }}
       {{ end }}

Note : I didn’t need this on the product page because I simply don’t need to display category info when displaying a product, but I could have easily done the same thing on the product layout page !