Context: I have a mainmenu
that is defined in each sections Front Matter (e.g. not in the config.yaml) and displayed in the site header. Some of these sections have a submenu unique to that section.
The content folder is structured like this:
Content folder
- coverimage.jpg
- coverimage.jpg
... etc.
The Front Matter in the files are structured like this:
Front Matter
Fist level menu elements
title: This is my stamp collection
linktitle: Stamps
Secound level menu elements
title: Stamps from Norway
linktitle: Norway
Question: How do I display the relevant submenu for each section – without displaying all children on all sections? I want to keep duplicate code to a minimum (stay DRY).
Current solution: Make a separate partial file for every submenu/sidebar. In the baseof.html i then do;
{{ block "sidebar" . }}
{{ partial menus/sidebar_stamps "sidebar" }}
{{ end }}
…and {{ define "sidebar" }}
in layout files under /layouts/pages/stamps.html/
and adding layout: stamps
to the Front Matter. It kinda works but the logic is repeated for every submenu partial file. They look like this:
Partial file (repeated for each submenu I need)
<ul class="site-sidebar-menu">
{{ $currentPage := . }
{{ range .Site.Menus.sidebar_stamps }} <!-- "stamps" is different in each partial -->
<li class="button{{ if $currentPage.IsMenuCurrent "sidebar_stamps" . }} button-active{{- end -}}">
<a href="{{ .URL }}">
{{ .Pre }}
{{ .Name }}
{{ end -}}
I would like to use a variable that outputs the submenu name related to the specific section, like: .Site.Menus. $variable
, so I do not have to make multiple partials for each submenu.
I have also experimented with the parent
parameter in the menus in Front Matter in combination with {{ range .Child }}
without any luck.
After having combed through the documentation, Google and this forum for hours, I still haven’t found a working solution. This might be a problem related to my lack of experience with Go, but I hope someone can point me in the right direction!
Also, I want to give a big thanks to @bep and all contributors for the time you have spent making Hugo, I have really enjoyed working with it!