How to set dynamic multilevel menu? I have no problem with flat (taking sidebar example) but i don’t have idea how add pages as a children in menu (and build this sublevel dinamicaly like 1st level).
pages/about/ (title = “about”)
I use it to list this section as index for children pages (list.html) and then i want to set this pages as children in dropdown menu where is parent:
<ul class="dropdown">
<li><a>Something Else</a></li>
in how can I assign parent?
parent: "" // <- here I don't know what must be...
I know how to set it in config.toml but i want it to be dynamic or configurable in content .md - using example from docs with menu: main: … throws error in this case and even setting manualy in config is not enough because of the lacking active class (hugo don’t see list page in if condition: $currentPage.HasMenuCurrent “main”).