November 30, 2024, 11:44pm
I’m hitting some limits on my site and I would like to offload the images to a dedicated blob storage account.
I want to see if there is any help in Hugo for this scenario!
Here is my plan:
After building the Hugo Site, I’ll sync all images using azcopy sync
against public
Delete all images from public
Update all links in all HTML files in public
to be /blob/bla/bla.jpg
instead of /bla/bla.jpg
Im using Azure Front Door so I can map*
to the blob storage location…
I feel like the links update in the files would be a lot of processing. Unless I somehow get hugo to do it at render time. All of the images are part of page bundles, but they may be in frontmatter or in *.md content.
December 1, 2024, 12:42am
not clear for me if you want to migrate your sources or do it every time.
if you do it everytime the frontmatter fe is not relevant.
the simplest I can think of is to do something like that in alll code where you render images shortcodes, image-render-hook, …
{{ strings.Replace $image.Permalink "" BLOBLINK }}
ofc the images won’t work locally. so you might want do that with env=production and keep the old link with env=development
a postprocessing script replacing that string in all html files recursively will be quite simple which will keep the local stuff running and is only called on deployment.
1 Like
You are right.
I think im going to go with a rewrite at build time… that way it does not affect local…
My POC runs against ./public/
# Variables
$LocalImagesPath = ".\public\" # Local folder containing images and HTML files
$BlobUrlBase = "`$web" # Base URL for the blob storage
$BlobPath = "blob" # Path to be added for images in HTML
$LocalDebug = $true
# Method 1: Upload image files using azcopy
function Upload-ImageFiles {
param (
try {
Write-Host "Uploading image files to Azure Blob Storage using azcopy..."
azcopy sync $LocalPath "$BlobUrlBase$AzureSASToken" --recursive --include-pattern "*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.gif;*.webp"
Write-Host "Upload complete."
catch {
Write-Host "Error during upload: $_"
# Method 2: Delete all image files locally
function Delete-LocalImageFiles {
param (
try {
Write-Host "Deleting all image files locally..."
Get-ChildItem -Path $LocalPath -Recurse -Include *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, *.gif, *.webp | ForEach-Object {
try {
Remove-Item -Path $_.FullName -Force
Write-Host "Deleted: $($_.FullName)"
catch {
Write-Host "Error deleting file $($_.FullName): $_"
catch {
Write-Host "Error during file deletion: $_"
# Method 3: Rewrite image links in .html files using regex
function Rewrite-ImageLinks {
param (
[string]$BlobUrlBase )
try {
Write-Host "Rewriting image links in .html files using regex..."
if ($Debug) {
Write-Host "DEBUG MODE: All paths will use BlobUrlBase ($BlobUrlBase)"
$HtmlFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $LocalPath -Recurse -Include *.html
foreach ($HtmlFile in $HtmlFiles) {
try {
$FileContent = Get-Content -Path (Resolve-Path $HtmlFile.FullName) -Raw
# Regex to match all src attributes with image paths
$ImageRegex = 'src=["'']([^"'']*\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|webp))["'']'
# Find all matches
$Matches = [regex]::Matches($FileContent, $ImageRegex)
foreach ($Match in $Matches) {
$OriginalPath = $Match.Groups[1].Value
$Extension = $Match.Groups[2].Value
# Skip if the path already contains 'blob' unless in debug mode
if ($OriginalPath -notmatch 'blob/') {
# Determine the updated path
$UpdatedPath = $OriginalPath
if ($OriginalPath.StartsWith("") -or
$OriginalPath.StartsWith("") -or
$OriginalPath -match "^https:\/\/(yellow-pond-042d21b03|[a-z0-9-]+)\.azurestaticapps\.net") {
# Add '/blob/' to supported domains
$UpdatedPath = $OriginalPath -replace "^(https?:\/\/.*?)(\/|\/\/)", "`$1/$BlobPath/"
elseif ($OriginalPath.StartsWith("/")) {
# Absolute path
$UpdatedPath = "/$BlobPath" + $OriginalPath
elseif ($OriginalPath.StartsWith("./")) {
# Relative path
$UpdatedPath = "./$BlobPath" + $OriginalPath.Substring(1)
# Replace the original path in the content
$FileContent = $FileContent -replace [regex]::Escape($OriginalPath), $UpdatedPath
Write-Host "Replaced: $OriginalPath -> $UpdatedPath"
# Save updated content back to the file
Set-Content -Path $HtmlFile.FullName -Value $FileContent
Write-Host "Updated: $($HtmlFile.FullName)"
catch {
Write-Host "Error processing file $($HtmlFile.FullName): $_"
Write-Host "HTML link rewriting complete."
catch {
Write-Host "Error during HTML processing: $_"
# Main Execution
$AzureSASToken = $env:AZURE_BLOB_STORAGE_SAS_TOKEN # Environment variable for SAS token
Write-Host "Starting process..."
Upload-ImageFiles -LocalPath $LocalImagesPath -AzureSASToken $AzureSASToken
Delete-LocalImageFiles -LocalPath $LocalImagesPath
#Rewrite-ImageLinks -LocalPath $LocalImagesPath -BlobPath $BlobPath
Write-Host "Process complete!"
December 3, 2024, 9:54am
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