I have a site that I’d like to rebuild with hugo, and I can’t build an external typescript module with js.Build
, which builds just fine when using esbuild. This module builds also fine separately with webpack.
Basically what I do is, I check out karolyi/karolyimusic-webplayer: Icecast player for karolyimusic.com - karolyimusic-webplayer - KSOL Gitea as a submodule into the submodules/karolyimusic-webplayer
directory, and execute npm install
there to have a separate node_modules
directory added for this submodule. Then, I add this to module.mounts:
# imports:
# - path: submodules/karolyimusic-webplayer
- source: submodules/karolyimusic-webplayer
target: assets/submodules/karolyimusic-webplayer
(as you can see, I also tried to use it as a module)
For testing’s sake, I added the following test.ts
file to the src directory, next to index.ts in my project:
import { faPlay } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons/faPlay"
const variable: string = 'Hello World from player test'
console.debug('XXX', variable, faPlay)
// console.debug('XXX', variable)
This would test if imports are working.
So when using the following snippet to debug:
{{- $js := resources.Get "submodules/karolyimusic-webplayer/src/test.ts" | js.Build -}}
{{ printf "%#v" $js.Content }}
I get the following error in the console
Could not resolve "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons/faPlay"
Which to me means that the node_modules
directory is somehow not found by js.Build
. I’m willing to add the extra path to esbuild (if there would be a possibility), but like I mentioned, I also tested it with the esbuild
command separately run from the main project directory and it ran just fine.
So now I’m kinda clueless as to what I could be doing wrong.
Any help is appreciated. So far I’m enjoying hugo very much.