No page variables?

I am debugging a template I am trying to build. I’ve found IsMenuCurrent doesn’t work. Now, the page is a section page and uses section.html of my template.
Inside section.html I have included
{{ printf "%#v" . }}
With the expectations to find all page variables. Surprisingly, I get only:

&hugolib.pageState{pageOutputs:[]*hugolib.pageOutput{(*hugolib.pageOutput)(0xc000863a40), (*hugolib.pageOutput)(0xc000863b30)}, pageOutput:(*hugolib.pageOutput)(0xc000863a40), pageCommon:(*hugolib.pageCommon)(0xc0007f4000)}

It doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. I would expect to have more info, maybe not what I was looking for, but definitely not this one. Is it possible there’re no variables?


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