i noticed my pages had no tags in their code source, despite the baseof.html and home.html templates having them.
I verified in public version, server version and on netlify, none have them, so they’re just not included by hugo for some reason. It doesn’t seem legal html-wise.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{{ default site.Language.Lang site.LanguageCode }}" dir="{{ default "ltr" site.Language.LanguageDirection }}">
{{ partial "docs/html-head" . }}
{{ partial "docs/inject/head" . }}
<title>{{ site.Title }}</title>
Beginning of sample’s homepage’s source: <!doctype html><html lang=en-us dir=ltr><meta name=generator content="Hugo 0.108.0"><script src="/livereload.js?mindelay=10&v=2&port=1313&path=livereload" data-no-instant defer></script><meta charset=utf-8><meta
I didn’t write the first meta tag and script so it seems automatic, but then it jumps right to the start of html-head.html.