Just adding my Hugo based news website https://viewnews.com.au to the showcase. Was Wordpress now converted to Hugo
Very cool. It’s a bit slow on the load, where is it hosted?
Why did you switch from WordPress? I’m always curious
Hi, thanks for the feedback.
I think I need to look at the size of the images.
It’s hosted in Google Cloud (Sydney) using Firebase.
It’s a work in progress. Looking to learn off others doing similar things.
I switched initially to reduce hosting costs and ironically to try and speed the site up. Also to simplify the number of moving parts, database, PHP, Wordpress and improve security. Straight from the Hugo brochure I suppose.
All good reasons. Good luck!
Congratulations for this migration!
You should optimize the pictures, some of them are way too heavy according to Google Lighthouse.
For that, I use Squoosh when I just have a few pictures, or XnConvert for bulk transformations.
I think I need to look at the size of the images.
You can use Hugo for that, too: Image processing | Hugo
If you prefer a faster solution, you could see whether your needs are served by Cloudinary’s free tier.