Need the community opinion about optimal content organization inside a theme


I would like to ask for the community opinions about my recently added theme called Yourfolio.
This is a simple, responsive and optimized theme for creating a personal portfolio by using Hugo framework.

Some of the main features:

  • Some sections have an option for adding the responsive images on page for the different user viewports.
  • Ability to define the max number (maxMenuLinksToShow option in config.yaml, default is 5) of the main navigation links. When your website have more pages the menu will be replaced with burger automatically.
  • Optimized for better load performance (for e.g. check here).

Here is a demo:

I would like to know if my implementation for content organization (by using front matter inside markdown files) is optimal for this website design or should I do that things in a different way?

Please feel free to share your thoughts/feedback/remarks/suggestions according to my content implementation, because I am always open to new knowledge and ready to work for improving results.

Thank you in advance!
Have a great time!