Need advice on content structure

Hey there!

i have this website that I’m turning to fully static with HUGO:
It’s mostly pictures displayed on each page, nothing fancy. But I’m trying to do it the smart way and as I learn how to use HUGO and how to structure my content, I’d like your advice on what I plan to do. Is there a better way to do what I want? Is it a good starting point? Something different should be done? You get it.

Most page are similar and are cut in two or three parts: vanilla pictures, MEM pictures and sometimes, MOM pictures. Taking the Event Pictures and the Origin Pictures page as a example (Because it has the three parts. Visible here), here’s the content structure I have in mind (only a few pages):

├── Event Pictures
│   ├──  <-- Front matter with specific layout set
│   ├── vanilla
│   │   ├── picture1.png
│   │   ├── picture2.png
│   │   └── picture3.png
│   └── mem
│       ├── picture1.png
│       ├── picture2.png
│       └── picture3.png
└── Origin Pictures
    ├──  <-- Front matter with specific layout set
    ├── vanilla
    │   ├── picture1.png
    │   ├── picture2.png
    │   └── picture3.png
    ├── mem
    │   ├── picture1.png
    │   ├── picture2.png
    │   └── picture3.png
    └── mom
        ├── picture1.png
        ├── picture2.png
        └── picture3.png

The plan is then to make a section for each of the existing pages on the current website. Each section will have a shared or specific layout if needed (Some pages display pictures a bit differently) declared in the front matter.

In these layouts, the idea is to get the pictures from each child folders of a section folder and display them on the single page of the section. The file will have instructions (In front matter, I guess) as to what should be displayed for content that is not exactly the same (Changing the name of a title in the page or a regex pattern for fetching the good pictures).

Is this something that can be done this way or am I going in a completely wrong direction? From what I understand here (Page Resources | Hugo), each section will be a page bundle with access to all the content in that section folder. But there might be things I’m overlooking, being still new with HUGO.